How to regrow hair – common mistakes which lead to hair fall

Hair fall might be one of the annoying things because when you start losing your hairs then most of the remedies just didn’t work? Well, this happens because people will only focus on the symptoms and they just don’t try to find out the main reason behind hair fall. When they ask how to regrow hair then they forget about the cause which leads this problem. There are many mistakes which encourage hair fall and most of us are not familiar with them. So, today we are going to discuss those mistakes and provide solutions to correct them.

Do not comb wet hairs

Have you ever think about this mistake? I know many of you don’t know about it and thus whatever you do will not be effective for your hairs. When your hairs are wet then they are vulnerable and combing them leads to breakage. On the other hand, some people used to rub there hairs harshly by their towels which causes breakage and later on split ends. So, after washing hairs, leave them alone and when they get dry then comb it. This is simple and natural ways to regrow hair without use of a single thing.

Blow drying

It is not wrong to say that many people are just addicted to the blow drying thing. Well, blow drying is not harmful if you do it once in a week but if you are doing it daily then you should stop doing it right now. This will suck out the hairs natural moisture and make it dry and frizzy plus the heat from the dryer even burns some hairs and damaged them. So, use them only when you are in hurry or going out, otherwise let them dry by the heat in your atmosphere.

Using wrong shampoo

Everyone lose some hairs when they wash it and it is totally ok but if you lose lots of hairs at a time then your shampoo must be blamed for this. Also, most of you use chemical shampoo which do not suits everyone plus many people shampoo their hairs everyday which also lowers their hair quality. So, there are two ways to stop hair fall i.e. one make your own homemade natural shampoo or use a product which is made up of herbs. You can use natural herbs which are good for hairs like gooseberry and make a paste of it or use nature derived products.

Keep your hairdo simple

I think it is a crime to say this thing to girls but if you really want to save your hairs then this is the must thing you should do. Girls go for different hairdo which involves styling and suing of hairstylists for this. This makes their hairs damaged, dry and with regular styling they become very week. Many women experience hair fall because of this reason and they don’t know this fact.

How to regrow hair sounds a very tricky and tough question when you don’t know the real reasons for hair fall and the above one are common.

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